Health Coach Pyramid Scheme – MLM or Scam?

So somebody has approached you about a Health Coach Pyramid scheme.
And you are wondering is it a legitimate opportunity or some kind of scam?
Well chances are the company that they approached you about is Optavia.
It could also be BeachBody, Isagenix or another health and wellness MLM company.
Health Coach Pyramid Scheme – MLM or Scam? If you are talking about Optavia, it is a legitimate Network Marketing company that sells health, wellness and weight loss products. The same goes for Beachbody, Isagenix and many other wellness MLMS.
We have done many in-depth mlm investigations and reviews on You can go to the homepage and search for the company you are looking for or visit the tag page
What is a Pyramid Scheme?
If you want to know if something is a Health Coach Pyramid Scheme you have to understand what a pyramid scheme actually is.
A pyramid scheme is a form of business in which the profits come from recruiting more salespeople.
The salespeople are paid with money they earn from recruiting others, rather than selling products or services.
Is Optavia a Pyramid Scheme?
Is Optavia a Pyramid Scheme? Absolutely not. Optavia is a legitimate Network marketing company in the health wellness and weight loss field. Optavia is actually a rebranding of the Medifast diet.
We recently did a full Optavia Review
Is Isagenix a Pyramid Scheme?
Is Isagenix a Pyramid Scheme? No. Isagenix is a legitimate MLM company that sells health, wellness and weight loss products. It was founded in 2002 by Jim and Kathy Coover and John Anderson. I have personally used their 9 Day Cleanse Product and lost 20 pounds.
Check out our recent Isagenix Review
Is Beachbody a Pyramid Scheme?
Is Beachbody a Pyramid Scheme? Just like Optavia and Isagenix, Beachbody is a legitimate MLM company that sells health, wellness and weight loss products. That’s not to say it’s a great opportunity. But it’s definitely not a scam.
at some point we will do a full review on Beachbody but for now google will provide the info you need.
Conclusion – Health Coach Pyramid Scheme – MLM or Scam?
You came here because you were investigating a Health Coach Pyramid Scheme and you wanted to know if it was an MLM or a Scam. Many legitimate MLM’s use the term “Health Coach’. ‘
In this article we spoke about 3, Optavia, Beachbody and Isagenix. All 3 are legitimate Network Marketing / Multi Level Marketing / MLM companies and are not pyramid schemes.
so while these companies may not be be a great opportunity to make money they are not a scam and certainly not a Health Coach Pyramid Scheme.
Read More On Optavia
Read More On Isagenix is the brainchild of Jack Bastide. It is designed for entrepreneurs and those that want to be. You can find Jack on Facebook or Linked-In.